Friday, April 13, 2007

The First Kiss!

hi every body....this is my first i m very exciting...i want to discuss philosophy for life...the motives..principles..aims..goal...& all about achievements! So everybody is invited with open mind!!


Dharmendra Vyas said...

Hello to everyone! Life should be principle centered and never comprimized for it...I believe real man who never surrunder against situations,Real Heroes always achieve their goals under unfavourable conditions and circumstances...they do it with their wisdom,wit and will.

Dharmendra Vyas said...

Practicing the Life

Life is a performance to the world, to the God & its get better & better as you perform/practice. So it is always better to practice life cautiously with full involvement……Live every moment of life.
Do not worry for future but you can plan for it, Do not grieve for past but you can take care for its effect. Believe yourself, Respect the God resides in your heart.

Dharmendra Vyas said...

Something from my side....

Friendship is the relationship which we made by our self....with our decisionsn choices...but LOVE is altoghether a different cant be done by happens by its own!....we cant control ourselves from falling into LOVE.....LOVE is a very great relation between two souls....n it contains devine emotions n cant be express in is matter to feel or to be live in!!....however a friendship can be described in matter how gr8 it is.....n can be controlled by persons involved in it....

I dont know whether i m right or wrong... but LOVE CAN NOT BE COMPARED WITH FRIENDSHIP.... Thats it!.

Rujuta........ said...

hey dude fentastic
saras thought ligho 6 philosophy of life no
Friendship is the relationship which we made by our self....with our decisionsn choices...but LOVE is altoghether a different cant be done by decisions... tamaro aa though kharekhar birdava layak 6 good yaar go ahead

Dharmendra Vyas said...

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Dharmendra Vyas said...

My favorite description of love is from the movie Captain Corelli's Mandolin:

"Love is a temporary madness. It erupts like an earthquake and then subsides. And when it subsides you have to make a decision. You have to work out whether your roots have become so entwined together that it is inconceivable that you should ever part. Because this is what love is. Love is not breathlessness, it is not excitement, it is not the promulgation of promises of eternal passion. That is just being "in love" which any of us can convince ourselves we are. Love itself is what is left over when being in love has burned away, and this is both an art and a fortunate accident. Your mother and I had it, we had roots that grew towards each other underground, and when all the pretty blossom had fallen from our branches we found that we were one tree and not two."
-St. Augustine

Dharmendra Vyas said...

Have you even been in love? Horrible, isn't it? It makes you so vulnerable. It opens your chest and it opens your heart and it means someone can get inside you and mess you up. You build up all these defenses. You build up this whole armor, for years, so nothing can hurt you, then one stupid person, no different from any other stupid person, wanders into your stupid life...

Dharmendra Vyas said...

Each time that one loves is the only time one has ever loved. Difference of object does not alter singleness of passion. It merely intensifies it. We can have but one great experience at best, and the secret of life is to reproduce that experience as often as possible.

Dharmendra Vyas said...

we are like waves of ocean; no different than ocean but the whole ocean doesn't depend on waves but waves are dependent on ocean...God is like why we are here perhaps this is our own mutual decision to create & destroy the universe as we are pure form of consciousness (chaitanya) hence the its like playing with self as nobody else is there. So Maya(Matrix) is created to lure ourself. I test myself periodically while playing with my exercise or Karma.

Fate is a substance which keeps accounts of our good & bad works among all lives(birth-rebirths) we shall be tempted to execute good work to get nice fruits.It's a short trailer of displaying power of restrict us to following ADHARMA..So filtering work go on..& one day the one within your self realize the Truth & you are free from all the bandhans (MOKSHA)

Dharmendra Vyas said...
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Dharmendra Vyas said...

It's the question which drives us. You know the question, as I do.That's why we are here.


I can only show you the path.but you have to walk over it.

AIM is primarily decide by priority of your situation at you born.
List of Happiness:
1.Health of yourself
2.Health of your near ones
3.Knowledge in your Career & being people smart
4.Money or Wealth
5.Family bonding within each other
6.Social attachments of Self to outside members other than family(To be loved)
7.Social repo of self & Family (Status-Fame)
8.Religious / Spirituality (SELF)
9.Global welfare (Sarv-Kalyan)

AIM should be a comprehension of Choice based career which utilize your talent(God gift) with appropriate proportion of above elements as per your situation.

Don't just Try, Believe in yourself.One can not see beyond his choice.That's where you have to perform

Dharmendra Vyas said...

पहला सुख – निरोगी काया,
दूजा सुख – घर में हो माया,
तीजा सुख – सुलक्षणा नारी,
चौथा सुख – पुत्र आज्ञाकारी,
पाँचवां सुख – हो सुन्दर वास,
छठा सुख – हो अपना पास,
साँतवां सुख – हो मित्र घनेरे,
और नहीं जगत में दुखः बहुतेरे !

Dharmendra Vyas said...

*🌹सोलह सुख🌹*

*पहला सुख निरोगी काया।*
*दूजा सुख घर में हो माया।*
*तीजा सुख कुलवंती नारी।*
*चौथा सुख सुत आज्ञाकारी।*

*पाँचवा सुख सदन हो अपना।*
*छट्ठा सुख सिर कोई ऋण ना।*
*सातवाँ सुख चले व्यापारा।*
*आठवाँ सुख हो सबका प्यारा।*

*नौवाँ सुख भाई और बहन हो ।*
*दसवाँ सुख न बैरी स्वजन हो।*
*ग्यारहवाँ मित्र हितैषी सच्चा।*
*बारहवाँ सुख पड़ोसी अच्छा।*

*तेरहवां सुख उत्तम हो शिक्षा।*
*चौदहवाँ सुख सद्गुरु से दीक्षा।*
*पंद्रहवाँ सुख हो साधु समागम।*
*सोलहवां सुख संतोष बसे मन।*

*सोलह सुख ये होते भाविक जन।*
*जो पावैं सोइ धन्य हो जीवन 🌻🙏*